Sunday, November 30, 2008


the thanksgiving 2008 rundown: salad with squash, wild mushrooms, apple, and homemade dressing, roasted brussel sprouts, corn, garlic mashed redskins, chickpea cutlets, brown gravy, and field roast. paired with pacifico, trader joe's wine, and peanut butter chocolate pie, this was an all-out fantastic meal.

ingredients piled high in anticipation.

introducing.....the field roast!

delicious pie that's a cinch to make.
blend/process 1/2 C melted chocolate chips, 1/2 C creamy peanutbutter, and 1 package of mori-nu silken tofu. then put it in a pie crust & chill.

time to give thanks, relax and enjoy.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

something dutch (apparently)

joe claims this dish to be a dutch dish.  i've never heard of it, so i can't say for sure.  we put some yves ground turkey onto a baguette with some mushroom gravy.  preface it with a salad, throw it next to a side of garlic mashed potatoes and corn, and you've got yourself a true meat and potatoes meal.

vegans vote for obama

the night of the long-awaited election, a few vegans in brooklyn enjoyed some black bean burgers and beer.  we all voted yes for the burgers, but the race was on between sierra nevada pale ale (obama) and budweiser (mccain).  after florida did two counts of the ballots (no kidding), obama was the winner.

the vegans were pleased to elect a vp who won't kill game from a chopper, and they were also pleased that california passed proposal 2, banning gestation crates, battery cages, and the like.

vegans in the kitchen making difficult decisions about toppings and candidates and the like.

election center 2008.  l to r: various news sites, live, cnn map

Thursday, November 6, 2008


i guess i have turned into a bad blogger.  an entire month has elapsed without an update.  now i have a few posts built up, but not as many as you would think.  this kitchen has seen many nights of rice and beans or other simple fare.  we've also had two families come to visit, which meant a lot of vegan nights out (which were all fantastic, of course).

to whet your appetite for me perhaps blogging again, here is a picture of some fancier than normal rice and beans that were consumed quite some time ago.  (ok, you will have to excuse the strange looking guac there, but we didn't have any sort of liquid to add, except salsa.  kind of pathetic, i know)