I am: not hungry (yet).
I know: that sirracha and braggs add a kick of flavor to anything.
I want: my new pans!
I wish: i wasn't out of braggs and soy milk.
I hate: too much cilantro or ginger.
I miss: having a mixer that works.
I fear: using a spatula.
I feel: heat in my fingertips when i'm using them instead of a spatula.
I hear: a mini fridge whirring.
I smell: residual onion from lunch.
I crave: brownies.
I search: for recipes often.
I regret: produce gone bad.
I love: my new camera.
I ache: in the stomach from too much or too little food.
I care: about how my ingredients look on the shelf.
I always: add red wine to my tomato sauces.
I am not: going to remember to get flour unless i write it down.
I believe: tangelos are the new orange.
I dance: occasionally, but not often about food.
I sing: if i'm listening to music in the kitchen.
I cry: when i cut an onion with a serrated blade.
I fight: hunger.
I write: recipes on my typewriter.
I win: friends with my sweets.
I lose: water from my tofu.
I never: eat meat eggs and dairy.
I confuse: my jars of baking powder and baking soda.
I am scared: of opening the oven early when baking.
I need: a whisk.
I am happy about: the farmers market.
I hope: my herbs grow.
now that i made it through that list, i'm going to tag karis because she hasn't posted in a while.